I first developed Interstitial Cystitis (IC) about 6 months after I had a traumatic event at work in 2008 (14 years ago). It was just urinary frequency at first but, as the years have passed, additional stresses have made it morph into more serious pain, problems with my bowel functions, UTIs, and nights where I need to get up to urinate between 10 and 20+ times. Sleep deprivation has been a serious side effect. The pain of urgency would often bring me to the bathroom but, my bladder was so swollen, I could not go pee. I think the urine was somewhere in the folds of the bladder causing pain but unable to get out. It was a no-win situation. But other than my bladder (and a swollen right foot) there was absolutely nothing wrong with me. All blood work was good, blood pressure perfect, etc. and I take no medications.
I sought treatment with a urologist for several years in the beginning including an exploratory scope procedure which diagnosed the Interstitial Cystitis. She finally said to me, "I think the next step is to have your bladder removed." At that point, I thought I may as well seek alternative methods to treat this – with bladder removal to be my last resort. I haven't seen her since.
I learned a lot from the effort to help our kids. In a way, it became instrumental in improving all of our health, as we got older. About 5 years ago, I read the Medical Medium's first book, "Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illnesses and How to Finally Heal"
Celery from the Farmer's Market |
and this book completely blew me away. It is SO DIFFERENT than anything I have ever read that is health-related. So many "Ah-ha!" moments when reading that book, it completely made sense! After reading it, I used his 28 day cleanse at the end of the book. At the end of the cleanse, my IC completely went away. Then, stupidly, I immediately went back to my regular diet, drinking coffee, etc. and, within 2 weeks, my IC had completely returned. I have tried to repeat that cleanse and its results but have never been successful.
In 2023, I had a stressful spring and my IC became much worse again (up urinating 20+ times a night). Also, the swelling in my lower right leg which I have had for several years was getting worse with my toes becoming numb. Clearly, my general health was declining and I needed to do something.
I began exploring the impact on my life if I did have my bladder removed. I found that it would be major surgery since the bladder is located behind the intestines and bowels so the surgeon would have to remove all that first, take out the bladder, then put the intestines back, cut out a piece of the intestine, sew it back up, and use that piece to create a stoma or tube into my midsection to evacuate the urine into a bag which would be permanently kept there. So many parts of that surgery to go wrong and what a challenge to live with the outcome. I considered what else I could do.
As Anthony William (MM) has described in his book for other situations, I believe that a virus used the stressful events in my life to attack and thrive in my bladder. I had shingles when I was 42 years old and believe I also have the Epstein Barr Virus from my vaccinations. I decided to go back to the Medical Medium book and stick to more of his protocols. It had worked once, maybe it would work again. I began on October 1, 2023:
Week 1: I bought the Medical Medium's new, expanded first book which I began reading. I already eat a vegan, gluten-free, low fat diet but tried to also eliminate corn, oil and began drinking an 8 oz glass of celery juice and 8 oz glass of detox smoothie in both the morning and afternoons. I started this on October 1. By three days later, I was in SO MUCH pain after I drank the celery juice but learned to always drink 8 oz of water 30 minutes after the celery juice and it would not be as severe and also after the smoothie. But within the first week I could feel some of my symptoms shifting which gave me hope. I could sleep laying down for longer periods. Walking was difficult and I still had pain in the evenings but the whole project seemed doable so I kept it up. In about a week, I could tell that my bladder was less swollen because I could urinate a larger amount. I spent less time sitting on the toilet in pain trying unsuccessfully to urinate. Bowel movements were much more consistent and I my intestines were working better. On day 7, I slept the night getting up no more than 9 times which was a first in at least several months. That first week was very painful and I missed some work just trying to get through it.
For this first week, my schedule looked like this:
Upon waking, drink 1 8 oz. glass of lemon water
At least 30 min later, 8 oz. celery juice
At least 30 min later, 8 oz. water w/ zinc
At least 30 min later, 8 oz of detox smoothie
At least 30 min later, 8 oz. water w/ zinc
Lunch, usually salad that is gf and vegan.
At least 30 min later, 8 oz. celery juice
At least 30 min later, 8 oz. water w/ zinc
At least 30 min later, 8 oz of detox smoothie
At least 30 min later, 8 oz. water w/ zinc
(Later I changed it to 16 oz celery juice in the am. None in the pm.)
Evening: snacks including 1 fruit.
I should say that I was not good about eating the healing foods at meals that MM offer. I had the spinach soup twice (and I liked it) but the problem is that I cook for a family of four and I don't often have the energy to cook a separate meal for myself and I don't think they would be happy with the MM meals. Instead, I stayed away from sweets, the foods that MM says feed virus (gluten, corn, soy) stay low on oil, no caffeine or alcohol.
Week 2: The pain was much less (mostly in the morning) and I bought several bunches of celery at the Farmer's Market so it was fresh, dark green, and very potent juice. It is cool in Wisconsin in October so I could keep it outside on my shady back steps sitting in a little tub of water. I had pretty good energy and was only inconvenienced by urgency in the morning. I juiced in the morning and drank (increased to 16 oz) all of it at that time. I drink a glass of water 30 min after. Then, in an another 30 min, I drink the first detox smoothie. The second smoothie is taken in the afternoon. Sleeping was getting better and I was up less often. I know MM suggests we drink 32 oz of celery juice in the morning but I honestly can't do that. I am only 122 lbs and don't have room for all that and the detox smoothie in my stomach.
Week 3 & 4: More great celery from the Farmer's Market. Same schedule as above and although I had a lot of urgency after I drank the celery juice – the evenings and walking were less painful. I felt good and I wasn't up a lot during the night. I noticed that the swelling in my right leg has reduced and I can feel my toes again.
Oct. 27 (week 4) was my birthday (turned 74) so I took the day off the juicing and smoothie. I had a glass of water upon waking, a small cup of black tea and a gf biscotti at 10 am. & 3 pm (my birthday splurge), a salad for lunch, and a gf vegan pizza for dinner. At night I was up only 6 times. It was amazing!
I felt like a normal person, urinating only a few times during the day. I was shocked to find I had come so far in just one month! It made me wonder how important it was that I was able to buy fresh celery from the Farmer's Market? Would my progress have taken longer without it?
Nov. 1: But I knew this progress wouldn't last because life's stresses would strengthen the viruses again and the IC would be worse again. So the next day I was back to the celery juice – smoothie routine and I am assuming I will need to do this for at least six months to a year. A small price to pay to get this debilitating condition out of my life. But I am very encouraged and feel so much better already in only one month!
Dec. 10: In November, I could see myself sliding down again so I was going to need to use the rest of the MM protocol: eat only high vitamin foods; avoid oil, corn, gluten, soy; and avoid the 'filler' foods the best I can. This is a pic of my lunches and dinners now: a salad variation of spinach, onion, peppers, lettuce, asparagus (raw), sprouts, carrots, fresh basil, mint, dill,etc. – all put in the Cuisinart and chopped finely along with lime juice, 1 t. maple syrup, 1 t. ground mustard. In addition, I chopped one potato (w. skin) and some herbs and cooked then mashed it. Both with no oil, nuts, seeds, or avocado. I put it in the Cuisinart for 3 reasons: 1) it wouldn't be so much to chew for me, 2) I can eat a lot more of it this way and 3) creating it was faster than cutting stuff in smaller pieces. (I would also make dinner for my family – a separate dish as they did not want to eat my food.) This chopped salad and potato was surprisingly good tasting and filling – and fast. For a snack I would have a cup of tea and fresh dates with raw nuts (away from my meals). I lost 2 lbs the first week on this and was urinating at night about 7-8 times.
This seemed to be working well for me and I could see progress until I added some Vimergy products: Vit. D3, zinc, ashwagandha. Who would think this would be a problem but it is the third time that Vimergy products have stopped my MM progress! I wish I had an idea of why that is! So I stopped that and am trying to get back the gains I made before I used them. Very frustrating and expensive!
Jan. 7, 2024: I am 5 lbs down and doing fairly well. Daily, I still have:
- 1 8 oz. lemon water upon waking
- 2 8 oz. of celery juice
- 1 8 oz. lemon water
- 1 8 oz. detox smoothie
- Lunch: chopped veggies w/o oil as above, sometimes with some potato or beans
- Tea time: tea with 6 dates & raw nuts
- Dinner: same as lunch.
- Evening snack: tea with 6 dates & raw nuts
I am occasionally off this lifestyle when we eat out or have guests. I eat salads whenever I can at those times. I am up about 7 times a night now and in very little pain.
Problems arise when I get stressed which happened recently when I was serving dinner for some family members. I shouldn't have let it stress me but it did and I could tell that my bladder urgency became worse again in about 3 days. So frustrating!
Feb. 2, 2024: My frequency is still too often (every 30-45 min.) in the morning when I am juicing, etc. (On days I cannot juice, I am completely constipated.) I try to eat salads mostly at lunch and other plant-based foods (as oil free as possible) in evenings. Somehow, this isn't enough to heal my IC and I need to get back to the salad/potato habit above.
On Feb. 23, I am going to Texas for 4 days with a girlfriend and am afraid of the stress that goes with traveling making my IC worse. So I am trying to improve my IC before then so I can have a restful trip.
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