Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Healing Code

March 30, 2014

I purchased the book The Healing Code by Alex Loyd & Ben Johnson. It is quite an amazing book. The Healing Code uses quantum energy to heal and anyone can do it--to yourself, your child, your pet, even plants. All living things respond to quantum energy. I must say, however, that at first I didn't feel much energy when I am doing The Code.
I think this book saved my life. I had chronic stress from an employment situation in my life and it was killing me slowly. I could not get over the stress of it. My sinus problems and arthritis were getting so much worse, I thought I would have to quit gardening. But the first thing I noticed when I started the HC was that, although I was focusing on healing my chronic sinus issues, it was the total loss of pain from arthritis in my legs that came first. Days later, however, I noticed my sinuses draining while doing The Codes. After about a week and a half, I noticed further improvement in my sinuses. Then, however, I caught a terrible cold and was incapacitated for 2 days which I now realize was a Herxheimer effect. Now I use it if I have a flu or cold—15 minutes of HC done twice a day will generally knock it down. It comes back the next day and I do it again. But I can work, feel good, and continue on. I have also used it remotely for friends that have had major life altering stress (death of spouse, chronic pain) and it makes such a difference, I am so grateful that I have this tool. I have given away about 30 books to people who need it. Some never open it, others call me and are so grateful. It has made a huge difference in my mental, emotional, and physical health and I am finally able to move forward. 

John: I have learned that to really make a big difference, I need to put some serious time in it. If I can do it about an hour a day, that is what it takes for the big stuff. Autism? Yes, it can make a big impact but the HC is best used with other interventions, like diet changes (, supplements, etc. and it can boost the affect of those (but it takes a lot of time). 

Some people have better energy for the HC than others. I am kinda 'dense' and don't have as good of energy for it as others but I can feel the energy coming from my fingers. I think my practice has helped this develop as I didn't feel it at first. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

School in Madison

John and Les went to Glenn Stephens Elementary School, Jefferson Middle School, and Memorial High School in Madison. The Madison area is generally a magnet for families with children with autism so the schools are very familiar with it. (That was not true a few years ago for some of the smaller schools, like Shorewood, and possibly some east side schools.)

When John was in elementary school, he was pulled out of his classroom and was taught with other Learning Disabled kids for his first 4 years; after that he was included in the classroom. I believe their policy changed. He needed guidance to know what he should be doing, where to find things, and how to do his work but he was not a disturbance in any way. He was quiet as a church mouse. Les, with her ADD, had a hard time staying on task, keeping quiet, and getting here work done. She did not have an IEP until she was in 8th grade although she probably should have had one earlier.

The schools are pretty good, in general. John's 3rd grade class was not good because it had a very difficult mix of kids and the teacher had a hard time controlling them. He was also being bullied by Jacob. (I even tried to threaten Jacob to stay away from John without success; the teacher seemed helpless and overwhelmed although she was an excellent teacher.) John had services for occupational therapy and physical therapy (vision therapy would have been really good!) but after awhile it seemed questionable whether he was helped being pulled out of the classroom for these services when he really needed to be in class to tell what was happening. But most of the Madison teachers we knew and all the therapists were caring, interested people who wanted to help our kids.

Middle School was okay. I actually think that the people who home school their kids during these years might have the best alternative. It was not an option for us. Just surviving the middle school years is a realistic goal.

Memorial High School was good for both Les and John. It is a large school with a soulmate for almost any one. They have staff who care about the kids and know how hard it is for them. Both kids were in LD classes with others who they did not always feel were their peers. John and Les could not do the quality of work they wanted to do. But for the most part, they were not in classes with achievers because they could not achieve well themselves. They were in limbo to some extent. John spent his lunch hours sitting at a table by himself, year after year. He didn't fit in with the LD kids or the achievers and, worst of all, even with SSRIs, he was horribly depressed. We didn't get his depression under control until he was a senior.

I think the Madison schools did a pretty good job of helping them but they could not work miracles and that is what we needed.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The world of supplements

Other than taking a Vitamin C daily, I have never taken many supplements. The standard AMA response to supplements is, "If you eat a healthy diet, you don't need supplements," and we do eat healthy; I cook a lot using fresh ingredients and produce, generally from scratch.

However, after realizing that the good old AMA damaged my kids, first, with their vaccination schedule, then with antibiotics (messing up their gut), then tried unsuccessfully to suppress their symptoms with SSRIs, I have learned to ignore the AMA. They have their own end and, more and more, that end seems to be to promote big pharma—at our expense.

One of the treatments with the biomedical protocol has been to supplement heavily. Our kid's intestines (and often other organs) aren't working properly so supplementation is one thing that helps. We give higher (than normal) doses of supplements because, firstly, not as much nutrients gets metabolized as with other kids, and secondly, that seems to be what is needed to get the desired effect.

My kids take cod liver oil, Vit. C (2 types), magnesium, Lugol's iodine, digestive enzymes, specific target enzymes, zinc, Neem Plus, and now, a new product called Brain Vibrance (BV) by VRP. (Dropped the Brain Vibrance.) We'll see how it goes. Unfortunately, it is all a big experiment with our kids hanging in the balance. They take a handful of supplements, morning and night; not ideal but it does help and that is what is important.

I am cutting back on our vision therapy for Les. I think her vision has improved enough, even if it hasn't gotten up to the optimal level. John is still getting vision therapy and it is helping him hugely. He has farther to go than Les did.

At least Les can read better; now to help her think about what she is reading.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vision therapy

One of the areas that costs a lot but helped, especially for John, was Vision Therapy.

Leslie could not read well and John just was not able to see many things. For example, if you asked him to go into a room and find a red ball that was clearly visible, he probably could not have done that. After his evaluation, we were told that his major problems were a narrow field of vision (little peripheral vision), poor depth perception, and poor eye tracking.

Initially, both kids had a form of light therapy where they had to look at a green or amber light in a dark room for about 20 minutes. Then Leslie was given eye exercises which helped her eyes track better and, as a result, her ability to read improved.

John did only light therapy for 6 weeks, then started the eye exercises. We really started seeing improvement fast when he began the exercises. He used to shave and come out of the bathroom with blood all over his neck and face but now, amazingly, he can shave without a nick. He is handwriting has changed, became more legible (less of a scrawl) and he can write on a line now. He can now do simple things—like raking leaves or vacuuming better. He reports that he is much better at video games now—he thinks it is the tracking; he could not find his adversary easily before. He says it is much easier to cross a street now; before he had to really concentrate (understandably). I notice that he is not as awkward probably because he can see where is body is in relation to his environment.

The down side of  vision therapy is that each week we go in for evaluation/therapy, it costs $132 per kid. That's $528 per month because I can only afford to go in every other week.

We see New Horizons Vision Therapy in Waunakee, WI.


After 5 months of Vision Therapy: John had a progress reading test to in his reading class at MATC. His teacher was amazed! He had gone up four reading levels! She said he was the star of his class as no one had improved that much. Leslie and John both did daily vision therapy at home for about 6 months.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Good days, bad days

Five years later, John was about 70% recovered. Some days I wondered how accurate that guesstimate is but usually it seemed to be true.

Variations in his life, school, really made him anxious, partly because he had to struggle so. He so much wanted to do well; his parents are educated and he had all the values that go with it but learning eluded him. It was a big frustration which is understandable. So cognition improvement was high on our list of needs for him.

His sister was doing better, too. She seemed to find exercise hard to do, had little energy, was cold easily--especially her hands and feet. But fours years after we have started the biomedical protocol, she finds exercise easier to do and was now enjoying her PE class as a high school senior.

Both John and Les took substantial amounts of supplements, at this time, as part of their therapy. The supplements have made a big difference in their functioning. Iodine (Lugol's) has helped Les' thyroid, zinc has helped them both become healthier as they can generate new cells easier now, and probiotics have helped the functioning of their intestines. Specific enzymes (Repair Gold by Enzymedica) target inflammation and have tremendously reduced John's horrible depression and he is now off all medications. Our daughter still takes medication for seizures and still is not quite where she should be cognitively. Otherwise, she is an exceptionally fun, empathetic, and lovely girl with few mood swings.

We also spent $14,000 on Hyperbaric Treatments with the facility in Fitchburg (Madison). It helped John's chronic depression a lot and led us to ultimately realize that inflammation in his brain was causing this. That said, I wish I had the $14,000 back so I could use it on less expensive anti-inflammatory products that I now know about. (At the time—2006—it was a huge break through, though.)

One of the early things that we did for John when he was about 14 was to hire a young male friend (Nathan) whom John looked up to and was into body building to introduce John to body building. We were members of the YMCA and I bought Nathan a membership, too, and paid him $10 an hour to work with John. Later, when John was in high school, he was too uncoordinated to do well at most sports so he signed up for weight lifting for PE. When he graduated and decided he did not want to get fat, he started going to the Y again and started lifting. Eventually, as he recovered from autism, I believe the sweating he did while he was exercising was of great benefit.

Sometimes, it is the seeds planted early that eventually give huge benefits.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where do we start?

When I learned that one could treat autism, my next step was to find out how. And that was (and is) no small task. We cannot go to a doctor and say, "Fix him; do your stuff." Each kid has symptoms and problems that is so unique to them that a doctor cannot say, "Do this, then this." The doctors that work with this protocol were called MAPS doctors.

Two important things that I learned were:
1) The senerio in creating autism for us was: the vaccinations (too many, child too small) causes a weakened immune system; the child then get sick--especially ear and respiratory infections; they are taken to the doctor and are prescribed antibiotics; the antibiotics cause a change in the enzymes/bacteria in the gut with an overgrowth of Candida; the small intestines then start having problems digesting foods; the brain then gets an inadequate type of nutrients to develop normally. How severe a child's disability becomes depends upon factors such as their genetic susceptibility, when they got their shots, if they were ill at the time, what type of ingredients were in the shots (most were made by a couple of different companies), etc.
2) Autism, ADD, ADHD, seizures, Aspergers Syndrome, OCD, asthma, etc. are all related and considered "autism spectrum" disorders.
3)There is also toxic ingredients in the vaccinations (called adjuvants) which increase the response but some kids, especially those with lowered immunity, are not able to detoxify this material well and ends up causing them more health issues.

It just takes so much time to learn what is wrong with each kid/person that it truly takes a village, or in our case, at least a family. We learned quickly that no doctor or practitioner will advocate for your child like the parents. We HAVE to be part of the treatment plan and we quickly learned that we must be the lead for treatment, unlike the old model where the doctor lays out the road map for treatment. We are the ones who observe our child's symptoms, what helps, what doesn't.

We also learned that allopathic medicine (typical western medicine) is not as effective as natural means. (This was a real surprise as we thought natural medicine was weaker and unreliable.) This means that Naturalpaths, Homeopaths, Chiropracters, and acupuncturists all seem to be able to treat our kids better than the allopaths. The only thing the allopaths seem to do well is order and read tests and surgery which are important.

All in all, we have spent (over the course of the 21 years of their lives) well over $200,000 out of our pockets for all the special therapies, school, tests, treatments, supplements, and other incidentals to help them both. We are now looking at our retirement years and seeing that we will be working well past age 65.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Life in 2000

In 2000 our family had been in Madison for 2 years (moving from Des Moines, IA). The family consisted of myself, my husband, Ron, and kids, John, 9, and Les, 6. We lived in a home in the Crestwood neighborhood in west Madison, WI. Ron and I both grew up in Wisconsin so we were glad to be back.

John had been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome shortly ago and we were trying to live as normal a life as we could with this. We had just joined Bethel Lutheran Church, John was taking antidepressants to help deal with his extreme depression, and Les was a funny, loving girl with her own problems--mostly a result of her having ADHD, seizures and a brother with autism. Ron was a partner in an architectural firm in Madison.

We were still trying to get to know Madison and our neighbors and they were getting to know us. One thing I remember was John's frequent yelling and screaming--horrible mood swings. His condition was not new to us but as these kids grow, their symptoms and actions change--usually for the worse--so I remember John being in the back yard yelling, screaming and being out of control. I was at first horrified that our neighbors would be hearing this private part of our life but I gradually realized that they were also learning what life was like for a family living with autism.

Our life was mostly a living nightmare. John had terrible obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), chronic depression, frequent melt downs, and demanded a lot of attention. His anger outbursts left holes in our walls and doors and he beat Leslie whenever she pissed him off.  I remember Leslie crying to me one day after he beat her, "Mom, I am never going to see 10 (years)." Les, with her ADD, was a handful herself but easier to control and connect with than John. I was a very reactive parent, in desperate need of better parenting skills. Ron was the rock for us all.

The antidepressants did not help John that much. His depression cycled—getting better or worse depending upon criteria that we did not understand. Looking back, I think keeping a food journal might possibly have helped. He got more depressed very fast when he was hungry, that was easy to see, but the other components were not easy to figure out. Also, he gained weight from the antidepressants and that made him more depressed and lose self confidence which was almost non existent. 

John also had a significant cognitive delay. He had very poor short term memory and could not understand simple things like tying a knot. Reading and math were very difficult for him. His strengths were that he was a very sweet boy, nice looking, and easy to like. His teachers seemed to want to help him as much as they could.

John had one friend at school, Brandon, and this was the source of some self esteem for him. At the end of elementary school, however, I was told that he would have a hard time in Middle School at Jefferson because of the way the building was set up. So I got a full time job so we could send John to Walbridge School, a private school for kids with disabilities.

So John went to Walbridge School for 2 and a half years. During that time, we were not impressed with the school or how John was doing. The quality of his education varied a lot with his teacher. He had developed another friend, Zack, but lost his friendship with Brandon. After these 2+ years, $21,000 poorer, we removed him from Walbridge and enrolled him at Jefferson Middle School as an eighth grader. He was miserable there with no friends but he was used to being miserable so he did not complain.

He went on to Memorial High after that and, again, was miserable. He hated being around kids who were depressed and also hated being around kids who were happy because he could not be happy—it leaves nothing in between.

Meanwhile I read parenting books, desperately trying to change into the patient, understanding Mom that they both needed. (This did happen but it took years of work on my part.)

In the summer of 2006, I happened to google 'autism'. Years prior I had searched and searched for answers to his problems on the web but found nothing I could follow up on. This time, the Generation Rescue website came up first and when I looked at the website, I saw the words, "If you caused a 10,000% increase in autism, wouldn't you try to cover it up?" That was my first introduction to the controversy of vaccinations causing autism and ultimately led me to the biomedical protocol that was being used successfully by many to recover their kids. For more information, see or